Apr 7, 2020

Prompt #6 - RA Matrix for Nonfiction


The Compassionate Warrior: Abd El-Kader of Algeria
Publisher: Wisdom Tales Press, Bloomington, IN (2013); Paperback (162 pages).

  1. Where is the book on the narrative continuum?  This book is highly narrative mixed with fact based prose based on solid documentation.
  2. What is the subject of the book? The life of Emir Abd el-Kader, the resistance leader against the French conquest of Algeria in the 1800’s.  Contemporary world leaders regarded Abd el-Kader as a profound military strategist, statesman, philosopher, and a reputable Muslim leader who showed kindness and tolerance towards his adversaries.  Today, he is known as a founder of interfaith dialogue. 
  3. What type of book is it?  This book is a biography.
  4. Articulate appeal:
    1. What’s the pacing? The book is a fast read and the story of Abd el-Kader unfolds fast as well.  The political intrigues and dealings, and battles and conflicts within Abd el-Kader’s lifespan happens within 142 pages.
    2. Describe the characters: Because this is a biography, all the ‘characters’ are real, very active, and public (Napoleon III, Pope Pius IX, Abraham Lincoln) figures.
    3. How does the story feel? It feels like someone is telling the reader a story about a brave and famous, yet religious freedom fighter.
    4. What’s the author’s intent? Her intention is to educate readers about the life of Emir Abd el-Kader by showing him to be a positive role model for both Muslim and non-Muslim youth, who embodies “the highest ideals of what it means to live a life of dignity and purpose {and} inspires us all to a greater sense of humanity and justice no matter what religion {the reader} may practice.”
    5. What’s the story’s focus? The focus of the book is Emir Abd el-Kader’s life and how he led the resistance against France’s brutal colonial policies.  Although he was a prominent leader and military man, Abd el-Kader preached tolerance and coexistence among the communities of various faiths as is shown later in his life.
    6. Does the language matter? Language does matter, especially to the targeted audience, which in this case are young adults.  “Readers need...clear explanations when they read, especially in works from which they want to learn” (p. 20).
    7. Is the setting important and well described? Yes, the setting is very important and well described.  It’s important for readers to know events took place in Northern Africa and France in the 1800’s with fighting between them.  The author therefore gives a short introduction into the animosity between the two nations dating back to the 1500’s.
    8. Are there details? If so, what? There are details of the French oppression, life in Algeria among the various religious communities, political dealings within France and Algeria, and later the United States.
    9. Are there sufficient charts and other graphic materials that are useful and clear?  There are many tables, photos, and maps that are very useful and clear.  At the beginning of the book, there’s a list of illustrations and a map of what Northern Africa looked like during Abd el-Kader’s life.  There’s eight pages of colored plates showing life in Algeria, Abd el-Kaber and other world dignitaries. After the epilogue, the author has her pages of footnotes for each chapter, a detailed timeline (1807-1883), a glossary of Arabic, Turkish, Berber, French, and religious words used throughout the book, a selected bibliography, and an index.  The last page contains a website for free educational resources to encourage further independent study or use in the classroom. Another website guides readers to more information and resources about Emir Abd el-Kader.
    10. Does the book stress moments of learning, understanding, or experience?  Readers will learn much about Abd el-Kader’s life and the French’s obsession of conquering Algeria and the surrounding area, experiencing life in Algeria during the 1800’s, and understanding the world view at the time.
  5. Why would a reader enjoy this book (rank appeal)? (1) Subject; (2) Details; (3) Learning

Works Cited:
Wyatt, Neal.  (2007). The Reader’s Advisory Guide to Nonfiction.  Chicago: ALA.


  1. This sounds like a great book for history enthusiasts. Would you say it requires some background knowledge before reading?

  2. I don't think you would need to know any background information. The first few pages does a good job of providing that relevant information.

  3. Fantastic job on this assignment! This book sounds fascinating! I was sold when you said he is credited with starting interfaith dialogue. How wonderful! Full points!
