Feb 19, 2020

Prompt #3 - Integrated Advisory

The Gentle Reads books aren't checked out as often as the Horror or Romance in our library.  In order to encourage circulation, a display can be created to integrate many of these novels with our other library resources.  Many of the adult gentle read novels in our collection have been adapted into made for TV movies (for example, The Hallmark Channel).  Several of our CD’s in the ‘soft’ music collection can also be tied with these novels and movies. The display will have the novels, its corresponding movie, and music in a bundle and will be called “Read the Book, Listen to the Music, Watch the Movie … Which is Better?”  At the display will be a box where patrons will answer which bundle was checked out and what resource they liked best - the novel, music, or movie? There will be no limit on the number of entries; however, each entry must be for a different bundle. At the end of the month, a name will be drawn and the winner will receive a prize.  The good thing about this is that it can easily be adapted for other age groups and genres. Children will love this contest as they can read about their favorite characters and then watch a movie (for example, Winnie the Pooh or Stuart Little).


  1. I like the bundling aspect, allowing patrons to read the book while listening to music similar in tone!

    1. Sometimes reading with music in the background is more relaxing. Depending on what you're reading and the music. I guess, if one's reading a horror book, you might want to listen to 'spooky' music at night to put you in the mood. If that's you're taste.

  2. I think this is a great idea! I noticed on Pinterest the idea of the bundle display with books and their movie adaptations. I think it will help patrons that are not sure what they want to check out. This way, they get three materials they know will go together instead of one they found on their own that they are not sure about. Great idea, I'd love to see it in action.

    1. I did see this idea on Pintrest and the previous prompt assignment of novels and movies made me think about adding the music to the bundle.
      I forgot to mention e-books and audiobooks. I don't know how it would be to read the book while listening to it. That could also be compared - are these word for word compared to its print version and is there music in the background of the audiobook?

  3. I like the idea of turning it into a contest- that would be a great way to drive interest. I think this sounds like a great plan!

    1. I've noticed anything at my local library that is turned into a contest gets higher traffic, especially if its for the youth or teens. For adults, some of our prizes have been a one year family membership to the Rec center, movie tickets, Winery tickets, etc.

  4. What a fun idea, and a great way to encourage patron participation! The idea for incorporating music into the bundle is an interesting one. Would it be the sound track from the movie? If not, how would you decide which music to pair with the book and movie?

  5. Most movies do have a soundtrack, so yes those are the ones that would be bundled. For those that don't have a soundtrack, staff would decided which CD's in the collection would sound best with the book/movie. Many classical, soft pop, country music would fit in nicely within the Gentle Reads genre. Once the bundle was read, patrons can make suggestions as well.

  6. I love this idea! In my library music cd circs are way down so this would be a great way to give that collection a little boost. It's unique and fun. Full points!
